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  • 在业务侧就合并好,通过RoyMeshBatchComponent直接形成RoyObject3D对象,这种对业务的要求比较高,一般来说不太推荐这种方式,除非你非常清楚你的行为。在这种行为下,产生的渲染卡顿,一般引擎底层都无能为力。
  • 业务侧不做合并,交给引擎策略来进行,策略有以下几种:
    • RoyInstanceHelper:通过硬件实例化的方式来批量绘制,要求几何体和材质模板都相同,仅空间位置和若干材质参数不同。
    • RoyBatchHelper:引擎侧将某一个RoySceneNode及其子孩子上挂接的所有组件而产生的RoyObject3D进行几何体合并。要求材质相同,空间位置可不同
    • 在上面两种策略之上的策略,即使材质不同,以TextureArray的方式进行再次抽离封装,这种可以忽略diffuse贴图不同的限制,达到最大程度的压缩,但也是双刃剑要根据实际的应用场景来决定是否开启。



 * Interface for serializing and deserializing RoyObject3D data
interface RoyObject3DData extends RoyTransDataInfo {
    /** name*/
    name: string;
    /** Reference of parent scene of this object */
    parentSceneName: string;
    /** Reference of parent scene node of this object */
    parentSceneNode: string;
    /** Reference of parent component of this object */
    parentMeshComp: string;
    /** Whether mouse interaction is enabled for this object */
    mouseEnabled?: boolean;
    /** Whether frustum culling is enabled for this object */
    cullEnabled?: boolean;
    /** The primitive type of the object */
    primitiveType?: string;
    /** The index offset of the object */
    idxOffset: number;
    /** The index count of the object */
    idxCount: number;
    /** Reference of material of the object */
    material: string;
    /** The priority of the object */
    royPriority?: string;
    /** Whether the object casts shadows */
    castShadow?: boolean;
    /** Whether the object receives shadows */
    receiveShadow?: boolean;
    /** The visible layer of the object */
    visibleLayer?: number;
    /** The light mask of the object */
    lightMask?: number;
    /** Whether draft normals are excluded for this object */
    excludeDraftNormal?: boolean;
    /** Whether mouse interaction is enabled for this object when it is invisible */
    mouseEnabledOnInvisible?: boolean;
    /** The priority of mouse interaction for this object */
    mousePriority?: number;
    /** The draft ID of the object */
    draftID?: number;
    /** The batch matrix of the object */
    batchMatrix?: number[];
    /** The batch count of the object */
    batchCount?: number;