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 * Interface for options when creating a new texture.
interface RoyTextureOptions {
    /** The name of the texture. */
    name?: string;
    /** The width of the texture. */
    width?: number;
    /** The depth of the texture. */
    depth?: number;
    /** The height of the texture. */
    height?: number;
    /** The mip level of the texture. */
    level?: number;
    /** Whether the texture is in sRGB format. */
    srgb?: boolean;
    /** Whether the texture dimensions should be a power of 2. */
    powerof2Boo?: boolean;
    /** The internal format of the texture. */
    internalFmt?: Texture$InternalFormat;
    /** The usage of the texture. */
    usage?: Texture$Usage;
    /** The sampler type of the texture.*/
    samplerType?: string;
 * Interface for the data of a skybox texture
interface RoyTextureData extends RoyTransDataInfo {
    /** The options for the texture */
    options: RoyTextureOptions;
    /** The pixel data format of the texture */
    pixelDataFormat?: string;
    /** The pixel data type of the texture */
    pixelDataType?: string;
    /** The data type of the data */
    dataType: string;
    /** The data of the texture */
    data: any[];




  • 我们使用TextureArray的方式。在实现上,定义了一个RoyTextureArrayProvider,如果材质模板定了这种纹理是可以放入TextureArray的,那么TextureArrayProvider会将这些RoyTexture的RoyTextureProvider收集起来,并最终解码形成可以上传到GPU的TextureArray的数据格式。
  • 那么材质中的哪些纹理是可以被texturearray合并的呢,这个是依据业务侧定义的,那些从来不动态替换的纹理,如lightmap、normalmap这种类型的,永远不会动态替换,那么就可以去形成texturearray,这样texturearray也是比较稳定的,不会执行因纹理动态切换而产生重建的操作。