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碎片块必须用于控制材料的碎片着色阶段。片段块必须包含有效的ESSL 3.0代码(OpenGL ES 3.0中支持的GLSL版本)。你可以自由地在fragment块中创建多个函数,但是你必须声明material函数:

fragment {
    void material(inout MaterialInputs material) {
        // fragment shading code



fragment {
    void material(inout MaterialInputs material) {
        material.baseColor.rgb = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        material.metallic = 1.0;
        material.roughness = 0.0;




fragment {
    void material(inout MaterialInputs material) {
        // fetch the normal in tangent space
        vec3 normal = texture(materialParams_normalMap, getUV0()).xyz;
        material.normal = normal * 2.0 - 1.0;

        // prepare the material

        // from now on, shading_normal, etc. can be accessed
        material.baseColor.rgb = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        material.metallic = 0.0;
        material.roughness = 1.0;

Material fragment inputs

struct MaterialInputs {
    float4 baseColor;           // default: float4(1.0)
    float4 emissive;            // default: float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    float4 postLightingColor;   // default: float4(0.0)

    // no other field is available with the unlit shading model
    float  roughness;           // default: 1.0
    float  metallic;            // default: 0.0, not available with cloth or specularGlossiness
    float  reflectance;         // default: 0.5, not available with cloth or specularGlossiness
    float  ambientOcclusion;    // default: 0.0

    // not available when the shading model is subsurface or cloth
    float3 sheenColor;          // default: float3(0.0)
    float  sheenRoughness;      // default: 0.0
    float  clearCoat;           // default: 1.0
    float  clearCoatRoughness;  // default: 0.0
    float3 clearCoatNormal;     // default: float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    float  anisotropy;          // default: 0.0
    float3 anisotropyDirection; // default: float3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    // only available when the shading model is subsurface or refraction is enabled
    float  thickness;           // default: 0.5

    // only available when the shading model is subsurface
    float  subsurfacePower;     // default: 12.234
    float3 subsurfaceColor;     // default: float3(1.0)

    // only available when the shading model is cloth
    float3 sheenColor;          // default: sqrt(baseColor)
    float3 subsurfaceColor;     // default: float3(0.0)

    // only available when the shading model is specularGlossiness
    float3 specularColor;       // default: float3(0.0)
    float  glossiness;          // default: 0.0

    // not available when the shading model is unlit
    // must be set before calling prepareMaterial()
    float3 normal;              // default: float3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

    // only available when refraction is enabled
    float transmission;         // default: 1.0
    float3 absorption;          // default float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    float ior;                  // default: 1.5
    float microThickness;       // default: 0.0, not available with refractionType "solid"



fragment {
    void material(inout MaterialInputs material) {
        // prepare material inputs

    vec3 surfaceShading(
        const MaterialInputs materialInputs,
        const ShadingData shadingData,
        const LightData lightData
    ) {
        return vec3(1.0); // output of custom lighting


  • MaterialInputs,如Material fragment inputs一节所述,并在上面解释的Material函数中准备
  • ShadingData,一个包含从MaterialInputs派生值的结构(见下文)
  • LightData,一个包含当前正在计算的特定光的值的结构(见下文)


  • Shading data structure
struct ShadingData {
    // The material's diffuse color, as derived from baseColor and metallic.
    // This color is pre-multiplied by alpha and in the linear sRGB color space.
    vec3  diffuseColor;

    // The material's specular color, as derived from baseColor and metallic.
    // This color is pre-multiplied by alpha and in the linear sRGB color space.
    vec3  f0;

    // The perceptual roughness is the roughness value set in MaterialInputs,
    // with extra processing:
    // - Clamped to safe values
    // - Filtered if specularAntiAliasing is enabled
    // This value is between 0.0 and 1.0.
    float perceptualRoughness;

    // The roughness value expected by BRDFs. This value is the square of
    // perceptualRoughness. This value is between 0.0 and 1.0.
    float roughness;
  • Light data structure
struct LightData {
    // The color (.rgb) and pre-exposed intensity (.w) of the light.
    // The color is an RGB value in the linear sRGB color space.
    // The pre-exposed intensity is the intensity of the light multiplied by
    // the camera's exposure value.
    vec4  colorIntensity;

    // The normalized light vector, in world space (direction from the
    // current fragment's position to the light).
    vec3  l;

    // The dot product of the shading normal (with normal mapping applied)
    // and the light vector. This value is equal to the result of
    // saturate(dot(getWorldSpaceNormal(), lightData.l)).
    // This value is always between 0.0 and 1.0. When the value is <= 0.0,
    // the current fragment is not visible from the light and lighting
    // computations can be skipped.
    float NdotL;

    // The position of the light in world space.
    vec3  worldPosition;

    // Attenuation of the light based on the distance from the current
    // fragment to the light in world space. This value between 0.0 and 1.0
    // is computed differently for each type of light (it's always 1.0 for
    // directional lights).
    float attenuation;

    // Visibility factor computed from shadow maps or other occlusion data
    // specific to the light being evaluated. This value is between 0.0 and
    // 1.0.
    float visibility;
  • 一个例子: 下面的材料展示了如何使用自定义表面着色来实现一个简化的卡通着色器
material {
    name : Toon,
    shadingModel : lit,
    parameters : [
            type : float3,
            name : baseColor
    customSurfaceShading : true

fragment {
    void material(inout MaterialInputs material) {
        material.baseColor.rgb = materialParams.baseColor;

    vec3 surfaceShading(
            const MaterialInputs materialInputs,
            const ShadingData shadingData,
            const LightData lightData
    ) {
        // Number of visible shade transitions
        const float shades = 5.0;
        // Ambient intensity
        const float ambient = 0.1;

        float toon = max(ceil(lightData.NdotL * shades) / shades, ambient);

        // Shadowing and attenuation
        toon *= lightData.visibility * lightData.attenuation;

        // Color and intensity
        vec3 light = lightData.colorIntensity.rgb * lightData.colorIntensity.w;

        return shadingData.diffuseColor * light * toon;


!!! Note: 即使已知片段完全处于当前光线(lightData)的阴影中,也会调用surfaceShading函数。NdotL <= 0.0或lightData。可见性<= 0.0)。这为surfaceShading功能提供了更多的灵活性,因为它提供了一种简单的方法来处理恒定的环境照明。

!!! Note: 自定义表面着色仅适用于光照着色模型。尝试使用任何其他模型都将导致错误。